Palm Beach
Jewelry Essentials
Palm Beach
Jewelry Collections
Palm Beach Jewelry Signature Collection
On-Page Program
Designer Fragrance Outlet
Alternative Programs
Flyer Programs
Wholesale Program
Watch Joe Seta explain the program!

Seta Corporation has developed a risk-free income opportunity for companies like yours. We work with you to develop a targeted merchandising strategy enabling you to increase the depth and breadth of your merchandise assortment without any advertising or merchandising exposure for you! Through this innovative venture, Seta would like to explore adding incremental catalog pages or replacing existing pages targeted to your customers into your catalog with No Risk or Investment on your part.
This turnkey, no-risk opportunity can be made available to you for testing immediately. So why not call to find out more about how you can participate in this exciting program which several catalogers are finding to be a win-win solution to offset shrinking earnings.


Submit for your approval appropriate merchandise, targeted to your customer file.   Fill orders from your daily transmissions.
Merchandise, photograph, make color separations, build pages based on your specifications and deliver finished file to your printer.   Pay you a commission on net sales.
Pay for printing costs associated with assigned pages.